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- Script fonts
- (0X
- This package contains a portrait version of a 10 point Script proportionally spaced soft font,
- and a limited version of my standard soft font download program. This document is being
- printed in SCRIPT 10 point regular.
- This font should be compatible with any of the LaserJet series of printers. It has been tested
- on a LaserJet II, using the download program included with this package.
- The complete character set for this portrait font is shown below:
- Script Standard
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 1234567890 ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+\| [{]};:'",<.>/?
- If you like this font and are interested in all the other point sizes, (or bold script), or just
- need other sets of downloadable fonts contact:
- Gary Elfring, P.O. Box 61, Wasco, Illinois 60183-0061
- Copyright 1987 by Gary Elfring
- Current available fonts include: computer keyboard symbols, pi & digbat character sets, credit
- cards, script and ``Helvetica'' like families of fonts, fixed width SMALL fonts- 23
- characters/inch.
- This package is destributed as ``freeware''. NO charge may be made for it. It may not be
- commercially sold. Please ensure that the entire package is kept together in a single archive
- file including: